Announcing Our Latest Collaboration
Dharma Co is proud to announce our new partnership with The Lonely Whale Foundation. Created by the documentary 52: The Search of the Loneliest Whale, the foundation’s mission is to develop and support a community of ocean health advocates through the campaign of the Lonely Whale.
With our new partnership, we have the opportunity to help raise awareness and effect policies for oceanic life on earth. It’s our dharma to care for our planet and all living creatures that inhabit it, including marine life. The ocean is the connection flowing between all the continents on earth, so join us in making a worldwide positive impact with the Lonely Whale Foundation!
A percentage of all sales of our collaboration sunglasses, designed with the ocean in mind, will go to the Lonely Whale’s science based, bi-lingual education program. #expandyourvision, and the education of others, by purchasing a pair. Presale begins Nov 2, 2016. Stay tuned!